It has been the family story that Roy Huber never finished school.
Colorful versions of the story say that he had a mean teacher who rebuked his penmanship or insulted him in some way and he refused to go back. More commonplace versions state that he was needed to help out on the family property, or simply didn't want to go to school anymore.
But the moral of the story was: he always wished that he had stuck with it and regretted his hasty decision.

A terribly faded photo from the personal album of Rhea Merkley.
It's relayed information that Roy is one of the boys in this photo, and that this was given to Roy by one of his teachers.
A few documents give clues to the completeness of his education:
Eighth Grade Graduates:

SOURCE: Wasatch Wave 1913, May 30, p.5
As you'll see highlighted, Roy Huber DID complete up to the eighth grade. YAY!
War Service Questionnaire:

SOURCE: (more specific source info located on image at very bottom)
On this form Roy indicates that he completed "1 yr Wasatch High School, one winter course at U.A.C." (U.A.C. apparently being the preliminary name for Utah State University in Logan, UT)
So regardless of the actual year, he did in fact leave school before his formal education was completed.

Photo from the personal album of Clayton Huber
Roy Huber on the right.
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