The following are the Federal Census records highlighting Henry Albert & Margaretha Huber as they were raising their family.
1900 Census:

SOURCE: (more particular source info is found within the image of the record, directly below it.)
Interestingly, this census shows Henry Albert living at a boarding house in Park City, UT, likely while he worked at the mines (it indicates his occupation as "concentrating L.S. ore")
I looked for census info on his wife (as this record ALSO states that he'd been married for 8 years by this point) and their 4 boys (as their youngest was born in 1899 they should've all been listed) but I've been unable to track it down yet.
I wonder how long they had been living apart like this?...
1910 Census:

SOURCE: OR (more particular source info is found within the image, directly below the record.)
Here the family is all listed together living in Midway, UT. It is interesting to note the ages of all the boys and the types of jobs they are listed as engaging in.
1920 Census:

SOURCE: OR (more particular source info is found within the image, directly below the record.)
Here the family is still listed as all living together, even with the boys ranging from 20-27 years old. It also indicates that Margaretha's mother tongue was German thus I wonder how often she used it or if she tended to speak in German or English to her boys.
By the 1930 Census the boys show up with their own wives and families, and as Henry Albert died in 1920, I'm assuming Margaretha visited from family to family during that time as I haven't been able to locate her on any further census'.
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