A smattering of photos of him in uniform have been found in various photo albums, but until I came across the following documents I had not known to what extent he was involved.
(Photo from the personal album of Clayton Huber)
Roy on right (side note was what was written on the page of the photo album)

(Photo from the personal album of Clayton Huber)
Roy's Draft Card:

SOURCE: ancestry.com (particular source info at far right of image)
This draft card was written up in June 1918, so it is doubtful that he was very far engaged in fields of combat. This card also reaffirms his birthdate and birthplace, tells us that his employer at the time was located up in Evanston, WY, that his mother was referred to at Maggie (perhaps informally?), and we can get a good look at his signature. We also learn from this that he had blue eyes.... aww...
War Service Questionnaire:

SOURCE: ancestry.com (particular source info located directly below pertinent image)
From this document we learn that at some point he was based at Camp Kearny in California. We also have a reaffirmed birthdate and birthplace, that he did indeed attend one year of High School, and "one winter course at U.A.C." He also was a farmer by profession and was not married.
Discharge card:

SOURCE: ancestry.com (particular source info located directly below pertinent image)
I'm assuming Roy is on the far right and his brother Frank is directly to his left... don't know who the guy on the far left is, unfortunately.
(Photo from the personal album of Rhea Huber Merkley)
Additional documents have been discovered on Roy's brothers who all were drafted or enlisted around the same time, but that information will be divulged in a later post.
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