29 January 2014

Leslie Taylor in photos

Leslie Taylor was one of Vera's brothers.
The following are a handful of photos regarding him that I haven't yet posted.
"Travis Neilson and Les Taylor"
From the personal albums of Cheryl Murray
"Audrey, Maxine, and Les"
From the personal albums of Althea Jensen
"Les, Audrey, and Maxine at Christmas time"
From the personal albums of Cheryl Murray
"Audrey and Les Taylor"
From the personal albums of Cheryl Murray

13 January 2014

Aunt Ardith Huber

Ardith Huber was Roy's sister-in-law
She married Roy's brother, Frank.

The following are a handful of photos I have on her and her daughter, Kathryn, outside their home in Lapoint, UT that have not yet been posted.  They were found in the personal albums of Rhea Merkley.
Ardith and Kathryn
Ardith and Kathryn

08 January 2014

Vera Huber funeral address

The following are pages of the funeral address given at Vera's funeral in 1990, by her son, Clayton.  It was found in the personal albums of Doris Sessions.
As it's rather lengthy I won't transcribe it here, but feel free to click on the page images and read it at your leisure.
