Elmer Huber was Roy's eldest brother.
The following is a letter addressed to Elmer and his family from his mother, Maggie Huber. It was written in 1933 while Maggie was living in Midway, UT.
From the personal albums of Shirley Jensen |
Letter transcribed:
"Midway Wed 14th 1933
Dear Elmer and all-
Just a line. Find enclosed your Insurance Receipt. Mine and Yours came together. Thanks a lot. Thought I would tell you not to bother to come after me, at the end of the week. I know you are all too busy watering and everything and even to write a line, so if Mr. Tut will call for me sometime this summer it will be all right. I can't hardly leave either- everything will burn up (in) this hot weather. I sprinkle every afternoon from 4 to six just had the lot turned 13th 2 to 4 a.m. Steele turned it in for me. Sure been hot the last few days. Guess you will soon be cutting hay. How are all the kiddies and everybody? I have some beautiful flowers out now- would love to hand all the girls a beautiful bouquet of lilies, honeysuckle, and pansies, they are just grand now. I won't get my R.F.C. 'til the end of the week if then- they cut everybody this month so I guess it won't be much I get, but I already drew it out at Bonners. I had to get a shovel an ax handle, and other things to eat, so all I have to do is to turn (it) all in. Some of the men have gone to the Forests to work. Times don't seem much better yet. Guess you saw where Geo. Remmond and Cynthia ? Schear eloped and got married.
Also where Paul Clark got a divorce from Polly. She is all broke up about it, but said she would be a good sport and make the best of it. Don't know the reason. She was up Sunday. Clynton and Verda have gone down to Bountiful for a month to pick berries. Steele has made his place nicer than ever this Spring. That's all he does though- work in his garden and flowers. Had a fine trip to Salt Lake last week but was awful tired 2 days after. Got me some glasses for my eyes and Shirley a little apron was all I bought.
Must close for this time. Hope to hear from you soon.
Love to all,
As ever Mother
Shirley (XO)
Merlin (XO)"
*Spelling, grammar, and punctuation corrected wherein I was aware.