19 August 2013

Elmer & Irva photo shoot

Elmer was LeRoy's eldest brother.
The following are a series of photos taken of Elmer and his soon-to-be wife, Irva, and some of their friends in their younger years.
All photos are from the personal albums of Shirley Jensen.

"Elmer and friend"
"Elmer and Irva in Heber, maybe 1928"
"Irva far left, two friends"
"Irva left and friend"
"Irva, Elmer, friend- before married"

14 August 2013

Letters to Elmer

Elmer was Roy's eldest brother.
Elmer's posterity was wise enough to keep some of his correspondence with his parents.

This first one is a postcard that was sent to him from his mother, Maggie, apparently when she was visiting in Vernal, UT.  As she wrote on the back of it, her words have been transcribed on the side by the postcard's current owner:
From the personal albums of Shirley Jensen
 Postcard writing transcribed:
"Dear Elmer,
How are you and Frank making out.  Take good care of things.  We will start home next week.  We are having a good time But the road was so long.  I like Vernal the vallie is nice.  We have had a good feed of green corn.  There is lots of fruit here.  We are going to Heb Ward les- today.  We went up town yesterday.  We got here Tuesday about 10 o'clock
Be a good boy

This next letter is from Elmer's father, Henry Albert.  I think it's amazing to have a copy of this document as I've come across very little written by Henry Albert thus far:
From the personal albums of Shirley Jensen
Letter writing transcribed:
"Midway Sep 16 1918
Dear Elmer
I am going to Heber and try and lend you som money I have been over twice but I could not send it the first telegram you sent the Western Union would not take it with out a more permanent address I went over the next time and it was the same so I sent you a telegram to send a more permanent address but have not heard any thing of it so I thought I would send you a PC money order this morning we are all well at present 
Jo came home saturday we are getting read to thrash and haven't mutch time if you had of given me some bank or number or regement they would have taken it.
Yours H A Huber"

This letter is particularly nice to have as Henry Albert died less than two years later from writing this (in May 1920).

08 August 2013

Huber family in photos

The following are a handful of photos of the Hubers in their prime, and are from the personal albums of Kathryn Walker.

"Vera and Ardith holding babies in foreground"
I believe I can also place Roy Huber in the far background, and Roy's mother, Maggie, at far left.

"Family shot"
I can spot here Elmer holding a baby, mother Maggie, unknown spouse of either Elmer or Frank (darn that deep-brimmed hat!), and Frank.