24 July 2013

Sherman & Deltha Taylor reunion photos

Sherman Taylor was one of Vera's brothers, and Deltha was Sherman's wife.

The following photos indicate some kind of family gathering as in addition to Sherm and Deltha we see their nephew, Clair Jensen, who was a son of the eldest Taylor daughter, Zelma.  I'm assuming the others photographed are immediate members of Clair Jensen's family, but I don't know for sure.
Unfortunately, I was in a hurry when I scanned these, so they don't enlarge terribly well.  Still, there are ways around that if one was desperate for enlarged copies.  :)
The photos are from the personal albums of Gene Nyberg, who inherited them from his mother, Della Nyberg.

"Jay Jensen, Clair Jensen in back, Sherm Taylor"
"Sherm, Deltha, maybe some Jensen family, Jay Jensen"
"Sherm, Deltha, Clair"
"Sherman, Clair Jensen, Deltha"
"older Deltha and Sherm"

22 July 2013

Rex and Cynthia Taylor photos

W. Rex Taylor was one of Vera's brothers.

The following are some photos of Rex Taylor and his wife Cynthia.
From the personal albums of Cheryl Murray unless otherwise stated.
"Rex and Cynthia Taylor"
From personal albums of Rhea Merkley
"Cynthia and Rex Taylor"

15 July 2013

Zelma in photos

Zelma H Taylor Jensen Miner was Vera's eldest sister.
The following are a number of photos of her, from the personal albums of Althea Gray.

"Zelma Jensen at 2712" (in Bremerton, WA likely)
"Zelma Jensen at typewriter"
"Zelma sitting at kitchen table"
"Zelma & nephews in Lapoint, UT"
(I recognize those boys as: unknown, Larry, Clayton)
"Zelma and flowers"
"Zelma with dog in Lapoint"
This last item is a color photo sample of locks of Zelma's hair at the age of 86 and 87.
They were found in one of her albums inherited by her descendants.
Apparently Zelma was a red-head (though it's hard to tell by the aged quality of the samples provided).  I didn't know that ginger trait ran through this family line, but apparently it does!
From the personal albums of Althea Gray

14 July 2013

Larry Huber photos

Larry Huber was one of Roy and Vera's children who died at the young age of 28.

The following are photos of him at a younger age, and are from the personal albums of Clayton Huber unless otherwise indictated.

"Baby Larry Huber"

"Larry and possibly younger sister Lois?"
"Larry in front of Huber home"
"Little Larry Huber"
Larry Huber
Photo from the personal albums of Rhea Merkley
"Larry Huber, Keith and Ross Bradford with 4-H State sheep"

05 July 2013

Frank and Ardith's kids

Frank was Roy's older brother.
The following are a number of photos of Frank and Ardith's kids (Darrell, Lynn, Kathryn, Glenn, and Kenneth) although it looks like it's mostly the eldest three children pictured here- I could be mistaken though...)
They are all from the personal albums of Kathryn Walker.

Ardith Huber and baby
Ardith Huber holding a baby

Here are some multi-generational shots, which are pretty cool.
"Margaret Huber, Mary Munz, Frank, and son"
(Descendant order goes: Mary, Margaret, Frank, son)
"Margaret, Mary Munz, Ardith and baby" 
"Mary Magdalena Munz Huber, Ardith Huber holding Kathryn Huber"

02 July 2013

Vera turns 80

This is a newspaper clip regarding Vera Huber turning 80 years old.  I won't transcribe it as many people mentioned may still be alive, but it can easily be read by clicking on the image.
Found in the personal albums of Rhea Merkley-
likely from the  Wasatch Wave or Vernal Express.