Sherman Taylor was one of Vera's brothers, and Deltha was Sherman's wife.
The following photos indicate some kind of family gathering as in addition to Sherm and Deltha we see their nephew, Clair Jensen, who was a son of the eldest Taylor daughter, Zelma. I'm assuming the others photographed are immediate members of Clair Jensen's family, but I don't know for sure.
Unfortunately, I was in a hurry when I scanned these, so they don't enlarge terribly well. Still, there are ways around that if one was desperate for enlarged copies. :)
The photos are from the personal albums of Gene Nyberg, who inherited them from his mother, Della Nyberg.
"Jay Jensen, Clair Jensen in back, Sherm Taylor" |
"Sherm, Deltha, maybe some Jensen family, Jay Jensen" |
"Sherm, Deltha, Clair" |
"Sherman, Clair Jensen, Deltha" |
"older Deltha and Sherm" |