Albert Dean Huber was Roy's younger brother.

Roy and his brother Dean on the right*
(Photo is from the personal photo album of Clayton Huber)
According to these documents, the following dates apply:
BIRTH: 11 Jan 1899 (Midway, Wasatch, Utah)
DEATH: 27 Mar 1922 (Heber, Wasatch, Utah)
He was 23 years old when he died,
and had been married less than a year, leaving a new bride AND a baby behind.
Death Certificate:

News clip from local paper:

SOURCE: Wasatch Wave 1922, Apr 7, p.6
Article transcribed:
Messrs Frank and Roy Huber have returned to Duchesne after having come home to attend the funeral of their brother Dean. Others from outside our county to attend the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Alec Gibson of Salt Lake, Mrs. Emma Gibson of Park City, Mrs. Ida Abplanalp and daughter Phyllis of Price.
Funeral services in honor of Dean Huber were held in the First ward meeting house last Friday afternoon and were well attended, a goodly number of Heber people being present. Bishop John VanWagoner presided and the speakers were Henry T. Coleman, Bishop Jacob Probst and Bishop VanWagoner. A solo, "O, My Father" was sung by Mrs. Jennie Ross, and "Face to Face" was rendered by S.N. Burgi. A quartette consisting of Karl Probst, Vern Probst, Francis Probst and Reed Probst sand two selections composed by John Huber, the grandfather of Dean. The floral offerings were many and beautiful.
Salt Lake Tribune Obituary:

SOURCE: Deseret News 1922, Apr 3, p.10
Obituary transcribed:
Last Respects Paid to Native of Midway
MIDWAY, April 3. Funeral services for Dean Huber, who died in Heber last Monday of influenza-pneumonia were held in the Midway First Ward meetinghouse Friday afternoon, Bishop John VanWagoner Jr. presiding. The opening prayer was offered by George A. Huntington. Music was furnished by the combined choirs of Midway under the direction of Samuel Burgi. The speakers were Bishop Henry T. Coleman, Bishop Jacob Probst and Bishop John VanWagoner Jr. Two quartets were rendered by the Probst Brothers. The benediction was pronounced by Alfred L. Alder and the grave dedicated by Ulrich Probst.
Dean Huber was born in Midway in January 1899, the son of Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Huber, and a grandson of John Huber, one of the first settlers of Midway. The meetinghouse was crowded at the services and the floral tributes were many and beautiful. He is survived by his widowed mother and wife, Mrs. Ida Bonner Huber and one small child.
*Spelling and punctuation corrected inasmuch as my knowledge allows.
* This is an ASSUMED identification of Albert Dean Huber. The larger photograph includes Roy's parents and brothers as well, and as Dean passed away before many of Roy's children could even identify him as an uncle, I could not get a positive identification that this WAS Dean. But it is my leading conclusion that because it was a family photo, it could not logically be anyone else BUT Dean. Find original photo of the family HERE.
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